Tuesday 12 June 2012


Pretty Girl

1. Drink More Water - The best place to start with moisturizing your skin is from the inside. Drinking at least 8 glass of pure water every day is essential to keep your skin supply and to help take skin dulling toxins out of your system.
2. Eat your EFA’s - EFA’s? Yeah, funny word, but oh so important! EFA’s or essential fatty acids are important for skin health because they give your body the fats that keep your skin supple and healthy. Eat vegetables, flax seed oil, salmon, walnuts and eggs a few times a week to get all the EFA’s your body needs.
3. Exfoliate Regularly - Sluggish skin cell turnover can cause your complexion to be dull and rough. But you can use a body scrub to slough off the dead skin. It’s like using delicate sandpaper on your skin. It will take the bad stuff off your skin and expose the fresh new skin underneath. At the end of this article I’ve included an easy body scrub recipe you can whip up yourself.
4. Get Chemical Skin Peels - One of the best kept secrets on how to get smooth skin is glycolic skin peels. A chemical peel (usually glycolic) actually removes the top most layers of skin. Along with that layer it takes away all the rough scaly patches and any irregular discoloration your skin might have.
5. Use Alpha Hydroxy Acids - These skin smoothing treatments work like chemical peels but not as dramatic. Hydroxy acids are in everyday use products like cleanser, toners and moisturizers and they work over a period of time. They are especially good for maintaining the results you get from a chemical peel because they keep skin cells turning over fast

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