Wednesday 18 July 2012


1. Make yourself a face scrub using chamomile tea and oatmeal in equal proportions (1/4 cup), 2 drops of almond oil and 2 tsp of honey. You can also use this mixture as a face pack if you apply it, and instead of rubbing it on your face, you leave it there for a short while.
2. Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water in order to obtain an effective homemade face pack for fairness.
3. Honey is a great ingredient for taking care of your complexion. It is also good to mix it with lemon juice.
4. Mix one part of olive oil, one part of almond oil and four parts of sesame oil and apply the mixture on your face.
5. Aloe vera gel is an excellent cleanser for all skin types.
6. Sandalwood paste in an effective face pack for those having pimples, if applied every night before going to bed

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