Wednesday 13 June 2012


Don - Loves 2 ShopCleanse with a mild soap
Choose a mild, unscented soap to wash your skin. Soaps with harsh chemicals and strong scents can irritate the skin and stimulate oil production. It’s important to keep oily skin clean, but try not to overdo it.
Use toners sparingly
Toners are an effective way to control oil if used properly. Remember to apply the toner only to the oiliest areas of your skin, mostly the forehead, nose, and chin. Don’t get carried away as they tend to feel so refreshing on your skin.
Exfoliate regularly
Oily skin tends to have an extra-thick layer of built-up dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, along with a thickened pore lining. Exfoliating is the best way to remove that build up, reduce clogged pores and white bumps, while making skin feel smoother.
Apply a light moisturizer
It sounds a little crazy to apply moisturizer to oily skin, but you need to replace the moisture on your skin that gets removed during cleansing. The skin’s response to oil removal is to produce more oil, so it’s important to keep your skin’s moisture level balanced.
Always step out with sunscreen on
Even if you have oily skin, a sunscreen is essential for preventing wrinkles and reducing red marks. If you’ve avoided sunscreens because the ones you’ve tried are too greasy, go for an oil-free sunscreen with a minimum Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15.

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