Monday 11 June 2012


1. Stand up for all introductions.
2. Boys and girls, woman and men, should all shake with the same grip. Not too weak and not too aggressive. Practice this with your daughter.
3. Dress with respect. Too tight, too low or too revealing sends the wrong message for girls and women at any age. This not only applies to teens but to younger girls, as well. Parents must use good judgment when buying clothing for their young daughters. Just because it is in the stores or in the magazines does not mean it is appropriate.
4. In the business world, men often see the word “No” as “Not right now.” Teach your daughter to say “No” and mean “No” – to drugs, to alcohol and anything else that goes against your value system.
5. Also, teach your daughter not to accept “No” as an answer. If she wants something in life and it is not available the first time, (think like a man) and continue to work for it, research, study and persevere. Don’t give up and don’t settle for less.
6. Select friends with like values. Parents can contribute to this effort by getting to know the parents and foster relationships with families that share your views.
7. Teach your daughter that she doesn’t have to be close friends with everyone, but she does have a responsibility to be respectful to everyone.
8. Avoid making an excuse to decline an invitation. Your daughter is not obligated to say yes to every invitation she receives. However, an RSVP requires a follow-up phone call and a request for a date requires an answer.

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