Wednesday 13 June 2012


1. It is never too soon to start applying moisturising cream on your face and neck at night. Don’t wait until the first tell tale signs of wrinkles start. To keep your skin youthful for as long as possible make sure it is clean and moisturised before you go to bed. Give up smoking. It is not only bad for your health and skin but you will also develop deep wrinkles around your lips which will be much more obvious than the ones that may develop anywhere else on your face. 2. Lower those high heels to a sensible level. Putting extra pressure on your toes can cause damage to the joints in your big toe which will lead to arthritis. You could be hobbling around before you are 40. If you have painful toes when you remove your shoes then your heels are too high. Put your health before fashion. Fashions change but health deteriorates.
3. Take care of your teeth. Visit the dentist every six months and clean your teeth at least twice a day. Be very diligent especially before you go to sleep and don’t forget the dental floss. Anything left in your teeth will be working at destroying the enamel all night. Losing back teeth, for instance, means that your cheeks lose their support. Film stars used to have their back teeth removed to enhance their cheek bones. That might look good at 25 but not so good at 45. Treasure them, adult teeth once lost do not grow again.
4. Let the natural colour of your hair shine through by brushing and using a good hair brush and shampoo. Do not be in a hurry to add artificial colouring. It is not good for your hair and contains harmful substances. 22 chemicals present in hair dyes are suspected of causing cancer, the ones that darken the hair being the most dangerous. Check out the thickness of hair that has been regularly dyed over the years, in many cases you will see that it is very thin and the scalp shows through alarmingly.
5. Check your weight at least once a month. Weight goes on slowly but a small amount month after month will gradually result in an overweight body. It is better to discover what is going on and to take steps to make the small changes necessary when you are young than to try to tackle a big problem in middle age. Do some routine exercises regularly to keep fit and supple. A routine that you enjoy would encourage you to be consistent. Join a gym, get a bike, walk the dog, go swimming whatever suits you best and is convenient.
6. Do not neglect a regular cervical smear test and remember to check your breasts every month too. Early detection saves lives and prevents surgery.
7. Have your eyes examined, even though you may think your vision is perfect. Squinting causes wrinkles around the eyes, better to have lenses or spectacles if your vision needs correction

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