Tuesday 6 November 2012


Tips to get lean, become slim in 3 days!

Ever wanted to look leaner and fitter instantly- for the beach vacation, the New Year’s eve party, a cousin’s wedding, or the big date! We have tips for you to look thinner, slimmer, leaner and better instantly. No, its not an optical illusion.
If you want to lose weight fast & effectively, try one of our Weight Loss Plans. See our weight loss success stories.
Whether you have 3 days, 7, 10, 14 days, 2 weeks or 1 month, you can use these tips to look thinner for the big day.
Eat less Salt: Go easy on the salty snacks, like namkeen, chips, high sodium pickles, pretzels and processed foods that are high in sodium. Extra salt is added as a preservative in foods. Salt contains sodium and high sodium foods cause water retention in the body. Water retention can make you look bloated. So, skip the chips and go for the fresh food.
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Easy on the Carbs: Most diets are high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat. Some amount of carbohydrates and fat are good for the body but at the same time its important to moderate the consumption of such foods in the diet. Best way to keep your carbohydrate intake in control is by knowing the difference between good and bad carbs. Most common form of carbohydrates in our diet are wheat, grains, maida, rice etc. Removing carbohydrates from your diet mostly reduces the water weight, which comes back as soon as you eat regular food again or even drink enough water . That’s a trick used by Atkins and other no-carbohydrate diet plans. Fitho does not recommend no-carb diets, as they can have side-effects like ketosis, bad breath, etc. What you need is a weight loss plan that helps you lose weight and keep it off.
Run: Yes, go for a run. Running helps you burn calories, and suppresses appetite hormones. If you are used to walking then add a little bit of jogging in intervals. Running/jogging helps you burn more calories & tone up faster than walking in the same amount of time!
Do Push-ups/Squats: You dont need a long list of exercises to get started. Push-ups and squats is the secret to the most effective exercise which requires only 15 minutes of your time and the results will make it look like you have been spending serious time in the gym. Both are fantastic exercises to burn fat, tone arms and legs in no time

Monday 23 July 2012


Large clothesMany women do the same mistake: wear large clothes in order to hide the extra weight. Wrong. This kind of clothes will make you look fatter than you are. Choose clothes which fit you, make you look good, which are neither large nor tight.
Heels shoes
You can wear shoes which make you look taller as they will also help you look thinner.
The tunic outfit is in fashion again and you should take advantage at maximum of it, especially if you have problems with the belly.
If you have problems at the bottom and at the thighs, the most indicated pair of trousers is the right one.
Avoid folds
Avoid as much as you can clothes which have folds, they won’t help you look thinner, on the contrary. They will add some extra kilos to your silhouette and you surely don’t want that.
Dark colors
Everybody knows that black clothes make everybody look thinner, but that doesn’t means that you should always wear black from head to toe. Try choosing from a large number of colors such as brown, dark green, dark blue.
Forget belts
Belts aren’t your best friends right now so try avoiding them especially if you have a problem around waist. The belt will just attract the attention on the waist.
Attract the attention
On the beautiful parts of your body. Find something at your body (face, legs, hair) and be careful to attract always the attention on this part of the body.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


1. Make yourself a face scrub using chamomile tea and oatmeal in equal proportions (1/4 cup), 2 drops of almond oil and 2 tsp of honey. You can also use this mixture as a face pack if you apply it, and instead of rubbing it on your face, you leave it there for a short while.
2. Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water in order to obtain an effective homemade face pack for fairness.
3. Honey is a great ingredient for taking care of your complexion. It is also good to mix it with lemon juice.
4. Mix one part of olive oil, one part of almond oil and four parts of sesame oil and apply the mixture on your face.
5. Aloe vera gel is an excellent cleanser for all skin types.
6. Sandalwood paste in an effective face pack for those having pimples, if applied every night before going to bed

Saturday 7 July 2012


Pretty Girl
1. Don't ever pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple. This only
causes it to become more red and inflamed, and will spread the
bacteria and oils that caused it in the first place, to other
parts of your face! It can also lead to scars.

2. Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to the pimple and hold it
there for about 2 minutes. This will decrease the swelling and
redness and help shrink the inflammation and pain that sometimes
comes along with it.
Girl3. They don't call it concealer for nothing! Covering the pimple
with a light dose of flesh-tinted concealer can help mask it when
you're in a hurry. It also helps cover up that oily shine.
4. Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild, unscented soap or
a specialized acne cleanser that has no harsh chemicals (such as
lye). Scrub skin gently with an exfoliating pad or washcloth, but
don't rub too hard, otherwise you'll sap your skin of its own
natural oils, which help to repel buildup naturally.
5. Apply a cream or ointment containing benzyl peroxide or
salicylic acid (many over-the-counter acne medicines contain
these ingredients) to the blemish or around the entire facial
area. Note that these ingredients both have a tendency to dry
out skin if used too much and are not recommended if you have
sensitive skin.

Tuesday 3 July 2012


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butterfly butterflies A mixture of lemon juice, rose water and cucumber juice should be applied on the face as a face pack. Lemon juice is citric acid that helps remove the tan and the cucumber and rose water are cooling agents.
- Mixing together some honey and lemon juice and applying it on the affected area can be one of the best anti tan pack mixtures.

- Preparing a paste of some raw milk, turmeric and some lemon juice. This mixture should then be applied on the skin and be allowed to remain till it dries up. Thereafter, it should be washed with some cool water.

- Prepare a mixture of oats and buttermilk. This mixture should be rubbed onto the tanned area as the oats will help in exfoliating the skin and on the other hand the butter milk is known to be extremely soothing for the skin.

- Mixing together some gram flour, lime juice and some curd on the affected area on a regular basis gives best results against tanning


girly girl makeup

  1. A mixture of ground almonds and Oats with honey and yogurt should be applied on the face for around 5-10 minutes and then washed with lukewarm water, to get a smooth skin.
  2. Mash a banana and mix it with milk. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it for 20 minutes. After that, wash it with cold water to get a glowing skin.
  3. Honey is wholesome and all-natural. Hence, apply honey on face and neck for 20 minutes and wash it with cold water.
  4. For oily skin, a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white should be applied on the face for around 15 minutes. This may cause a tingling sensation due to active ingredients. Wash with warm water. The mixture acts as a natural cleanser, softens the skin and tightens it.
  5. Make a home made scrub by using 1 tablespoon walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this and leave it to dry. Wash your face with cold water.
  6. For oily skin, buttermilk is dabbed on the skin for around 15 minutes. This will soak up the oil from the face without drying it.
  7. A paste of 2 tablespoon turmeric powder mixed in orange juice should be applied on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with cold water.
  8. Mix 2 tablespoon of tomato juice with 4 tablespoon of curd and apply it on face. Leave for drying and wash away.
  9. Dry orange peels and powder them. Mix this with milk, apply on face and leave it for 25 minutes and wash off. This is natural bleach which will make the skin fairer.
  10. Boil cabbage or cauliflower in water. Wash the face with this water. This is a great remedy for warts.
  11. Mix egg white and polenta flour and apply the paste on your face. Keep it for half an hour and then massage your face with warm water using your fingers. Repeat the remedy every fortnight for a glowing skin.
  12. Wash your face with a mixture of carrot juice and pineapple juice. Keep for 15 minutes and wash away.
  13. Make a paste with ½ teaspoon of milk powder, ½ teaspoon lemon juice, and ¼ teaspoon egg white. Apply it on your

butterfly butterflies

Friday 29 June 2012

GLOWING MASKS !!!!!!!!!!!

Facial masks to get a glowing face instantly
1. Egg and Almonds mask
Beat an egg and mix it with ground almonds. Apply this mix on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes. Use this home remedy at bedtime for best results. This homemade face mask is suitable for dry skin.
2. Peach and Brandy mask
Mash a peach and mix it with a teaspoon of brandy. Apply this mix on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes. You will get visibly luminous skin instantly.
3. Carrot and Honey mask
Cook 2-3 carrots and mash them completely. Add 2-3 teaspoons of honey to them. Slather this mix on your face. Leave his mix on for 10 minutes. This natural facial mask suits all skin types. You can try this natural face pack for getting instant glow if you have sensitive skin.
4. Banana, Oatmeal, Raw milk, Nutmeg and Wheat Flour mask
Peel a banana and mash it completely. Mix it with 2 teaspoons of ground oatmeal, 4 teaspoons of raw milk, a pinch of nutmeg and 2 teaspoons of wheat flour. Blend all ingredients well and apply this mix on your face to get that extra glow your want before going to a party. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes. This amazing homemade facial mask reinvigorates your face instantly.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Hair care
  • Use a good ‘volume-enhancing’ shampoo, twice or thrice a week for washing your hair. It also helps since hair tends to go limp in this season
  • Post-shampoo use a volumising conditioner, once a week or as required
  • If you need to blow dry your hair, apply a leave-on conditioner prior to it
  • Avoid excess application of styling products, as this could make your hair very greasy due to increased humidity
  • Do not tie-up wet hair
  • Oiling once a week helps
  • Make sure your diet has these hair-friendly foods: milk and milk products, nuts, soya products

Thursday 14 June 2012


Out For CoffeeI Love To Travel
1)Be confident. Even if you're feeling really down about yourself, act confident. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not, but don't announce to the world you're upset. Stay calm and collected. You will be respected if you show your feelings, but in a confident way
2)Appreciate your uniqueness. You are a beautiful individual with your own personality and talents. Only by appreciating your potential will you be able to nurture your gifts and offer something
 3)Keep your makeup simple. Of course you want to minimize flaws and accentuate your best features, but don’t pack it on; unnatural makeup makes you look fake. If you want people to think you are real, then be real and look real.
  • A touch of base, a hint of blush, a bit of eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara can help bring your face to life.
  • To avoid looking like a painted lady, choose colours that compliment your natural colouring.
  • Go natural if that’s what feels best to you. Be sure to eat right, drink lots of water, and pamper your skin to make it glowworld
  • 4)Choose classy, modest styles. Many fashions promote revealing styles that are tight-fitting, attention-grabbing, low-cut, etc. Dressing up every once in a while is part of being young and beautiful, but for everyday stuff, your best bet is attractive, modest, flattering clothes that don’t draw undue attention to your body.
    • If you have a nice figure, it will be obvious in modest clothes.
    • If attracting a boyfriend is one of your goals, you may be surprised to find out how many men actually prefer it when things are left to the imagination. More importantly, a lot of the guys who want to see women in ridiculous little outfits aren’t the ones you want to be attracting in the first place

Wednesday 13 June 2012


heart hearts

To prepare a smooth canvas for your makeup, always start off with clean, moisturized skin. You'll find that your makeup glides on and blends more easily.

1. Keep your skin free of buildup by using a gentle cleanser in the morning and at night. When cleansing your face, do so gently in upward motion stokes - do not tug, pull or scrub too hard to prevent irritation.
2. Freshen up your skin with a toner containing ingredients that suit your skin type.
3. Indulge your skin and keep it hydrated with a moisturizer that is compatable with your skin type. Make sure your daytime moisturizer contains SPF to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
4. Treat yourself to an at-home-facial 2 to 3 times a week. Use a mild cleanser, then exfoliate with a gentle scrub that contains exfoliants that are round and non-abrasive.
5. Apply a facial mask after exfoliating. Rinse off thoroughly and get a good night's sleep!


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1. It is never too soon to start applying moisturising cream on your face and neck at night. Don’t wait until the first tell tale signs of wrinkles start. To keep your skin youthful for as long as possible make sure it is clean and moisturised before you go to bed. Give up smoking. It is not only bad for your health and skin but you will also develop deep wrinkles around your lips which will be much more obvious than the ones that may develop anywhere else on your face. 2. Lower those high heels to a sensible level. Putting extra pressure on your toes can cause damage to the joints in your big toe which will lead to arthritis. You could be hobbling around before you are 40. If you have painful toes when you remove your shoes then your heels are too high. Put your health before fashion. Fashions change but health deteriorates.
3. Take care of your teeth. Visit the dentist every six months and clean your teeth at least twice a day. Be very diligent especially before you go to sleep and don’t forget the dental floss. Anything left in your teeth will be working at destroying the enamel all night. Losing back teeth, for instance, means that your cheeks lose their support. Film stars used to have their back teeth removed to enhance their cheek bones. That might look good at 25 but not so good at 45. Treasure them, adult teeth once lost do not grow again.
4. Let the natural colour of your hair shine through by brushing and using a good hair brush and shampoo. Do not be in a hurry to add artificial colouring. It is not good for your hair and contains harmful substances. 22 chemicals present in hair dyes are suspected of causing cancer, the ones that darken the hair being the most dangerous. Check out the thickness of hair that has been regularly dyed over the years, in many cases you will see that it is very thin and the scalp shows through alarmingly.
5. Check your weight at least once a month. Weight goes on slowly but a small amount month after month will gradually result in an overweight body. It is better to discover what is going on and to take steps to make the small changes necessary when you are young than to try to tackle a big problem in middle age. Do some routine exercises regularly to keep fit and supple. A routine that you enjoy would encourage you to be consistent. Join a gym, get a bike, walk the dog, go swimming whatever suits you best and is convenient.
6. Do not neglect a regular cervical smear test and remember to check your breasts every month too. Early detection saves lives and prevents surgery.
7. Have your eyes examined, even though you may think your vision is perfect. Squinting causes wrinkles around the eyes, better to have lenses or spectacles if your vision needs correction


Anti-blemish mask: 2 tablespoons powdered milk, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons honey. Mix all the ingredients into a paste. Apply to the face and let it work for 20 minutes. Then wash your face and apply a layer of plain yogurt. Leave for 10 minutes and wash

Apple mask to fade blemishes: Blend an apple with a little milk, the juice of two lemons, and three tablespoons of sugar. Bring mixture to a boil. Let it cool and apply for 45 minutes, three times a week. Do it at night when you will not be going out.

Cucumber and parsley mask: 5 tablespoons blended cucumber, 5 tablespoons minced parsley, 5 tablespoons sesame oil or wheat germ oil. Put in a glass bottle and seal. Keep in dark place for a few days and then apply to blemishes in compresses. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash.


How do I know what shape face
I have?
All you need is a mirror, Alice band and never to be used again lipstick.
1. Sit in front of the mirror and slick your hair back with the Alice band.
2. Use the lipstick to draw around your face in the mirror. Move away from the mirror and look at the shape.
3. Look at the black shapes next to each model below and choose the shape that matches yours the best.

OVAL SHAPED FACE     :-The Gal with the oval shape face can wear any style. Exception, If one has a large nose, it is a must to wear fluffier bangs, and make sure never to center part the do.... If you have a very small nose,wear fewer shorter bangs
ROUND SHAPE FACE:-  A round face is wide with a round hairline and round chin line. With a round shaped face, it is best to attempt to create the illusion of length. You can do this by adding height on the top of the head, keeping the hair close at the sides. To complete the style with bangs brushed over to sides.
SQUARE SHAPE FACE :-   A square shaped face is wide with a square shaped hairline and chin. The square lines are best softened by lifting the hair off the forehead, and having the hair come forward at the chin, and the temples.
The style that compliments a pear shaped face, partially cover the forehead, and keep the style slightly full and high


Hed KandiHappy Day

  • For starters, you should eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. They contain anti- oxidants that aid in reducing the damaging effects of sunlight.
  • Avoid smoking as the cigarette smoke creates a huge number of skin-damaging molecules.
  • Try to stay indoors between the hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plan outdoor activities for the early morning or late afternoon.
  • Always wear shades. Sunglasses protect the delicate skin around the eyes from wrinkles.
  • Wear long-sleeve shirts & long pants. They offer the best protection from the sun’s burning rays.
  • If you travel by a two-wheeler, cover your face and the back of your neck with a scarf and then put on your helmet.


Don - Loves 2 ShopCleanse with a mild soap
Choose a mild, unscented soap to wash your skin. Soaps with harsh chemicals and strong scents can irritate the skin and stimulate oil production. It’s important to keep oily skin clean, but try not to overdo it.
Use toners sparingly
Toners are an effective way to control oil if used properly. Remember to apply the toner only to the oiliest areas of your skin, mostly the forehead, nose, and chin. Don’t get carried away as they tend to feel so refreshing on your skin.
Exfoliate regularly
Oily skin tends to have an extra-thick layer of built-up dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, along with a thickened pore lining. Exfoliating is the best way to remove that build up, reduce clogged pores and white bumps, while making skin feel smoother.
Apply a light moisturizer
It sounds a little crazy to apply moisturizer to oily skin, but you need to replace the moisture on your skin that gets removed during cleansing. The skin’s response to oil removal is to produce more oil, so it’s important to keep your skin’s moisture level balanced.
Always step out with sunscreen on
Even if you have oily skin, a sunscreen is essential for preventing wrinkles and reducing red marks. If you’ve avoided sunscreens because the ones you’ve tried are too greasy, go for an oil-free sunscreen with a minimum Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15.


Stay hydrated Dry skin is prone to sensitivity, being poor in retaining moisture. The first and foremost thing to do is hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! Be sure to drink enough water, maybe more that the regular eight glasses. Not only does it keep your body hydrated, it also helps flush out unwanted toxins

Eat right
To boost moisture, incorporate foods that contain ‘good’ oils in your daily diet. Food rich in good oils are those that contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3. These can be found in butter, eggs, cod liver oil, coconut oil, raw fruits & vegetables. Green leafy vegetables and crunchy red fruits are excellent for dry skin.

Eat right
To boost moisture, incorporate foods that contain ‘good’ oils in your daily diet. Food rich in good oils are those that contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3. These can be found in butter, eggs, cod liver oil, coconut oil, raw fruits & vegetables. Green leafy vegetables and crunchy red fruits are excellent for dry skin .

Moisturize before bed
Make it a habit of applying night face creams before retiring to bed. Rub gently until the cream disappears in your skin. Preferably, use a liquid moisturizer or facial oil having natural ingredients.


Hair. Your hair should be nice and organized. It should not be messy and tangled. Your hair can be in a loose bun, Wavy hair, Or fly-away. But it should be proper enough to look elegant and glam.

Glamorous hair could also be something like dark brown hair with caramel highlights. Your hair should be always shiny and never messy. When going to the gym try doing a high ponytail with no bumps. Whatever hairstyle you please make sure it looks nice and well kepT.


TTo get rid of blackheads, grate one raw potato and rub it for 15 minutes on face, nose, cheeks, and chin to remove blackheads. Let it dry and then wash off your face.

• Crush fenugreek leaves (methi) and make a paste by adding water. Apply this home remedy for blackheads on face to clear blackheads. Do it regularly to get rid of blackheads at home.

• A paste of coriander leaves and turmeric powder make a good home remedy to remove blackheads.

• A scrub made up of crushed almonds and besan is a very effective home remedy to get rid of blackheads especially from nose.

• Put few drops of lemon juice in one spoon of sugar and rub gently on your face, nose and cheeks in circular motion. This home remedy will remove blackheads and dead cells, making your skin clear and glowing.

• One of the best home remedy to get rid of blackheads is a paste of oatmeal powder combined with rose water. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes to remove blackheads



5) FIO.
7) 1 CAFE BAR.
8) BUZZ.